
Verify players with FIDE ID

How about verifying people with their FIDE ID and allowing them to participate in Lichess Titled Arenas as well.
It's a nice idea, but won't work in practice.

1. We simple wouldn't have the manpower to verify all the people.
2. Titled players wouldn't really want to play some semi-random untitled player.
3. It's not technically possible to add untitled players to a title restricted tournament. You'd need to give out fake titles, which is a bad idea, or make some code changes, which also isn't worth it.
4. Titled Arena implies that you have a title.

There are other issues as well.
Anyhow, we already have warm-up, marathons, yearly tournaments that include bunch of titled players.
Or something like a verified players arena :) I'm sure we can find verified players to help verify more.
Allow players to link their FIDE ID to their profile. So when you click on their rating it opens up their USCF or FIDE page.
@chessanalyst how confident you are that there is no one another will add your id to itselfs just to be verified. And made this change just in a moment before you do.
So it will become almost impossible to verify who is the right person to use id.
You can't "verify" a user based on them submitting their ID alone. I could just put Maggys ID on my profile in that case. But the ID official verification would have to be checked based on submitted ID or something with a name matching ID card. Or for titled/streamers based on social media verification. Of course asking to submit ID would be 100% voluntary.

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