
New kind of Tournament

Hi there, today i was thinking at a new kind of tournament that could became a plus for lichess.
What if we can introduce a tournament for puzzle? where people start mandatory at the start of the tournament and play the same puzzles with the same time for each puzzle, when you get the puzzle you don't wait the other but see the standings and go to your next puzzle.
When you don't solve it in the given time the puzzle disappear. Of course puzzle become more difficult but never impossible or really really difficult because the idea is to foster competition.
At the end of the tournament after the standings, all player can see all the puzzles, to study the ones they didn't solve.

Surely many people will be at the same score for many time of the tournament, if not for all the tournament, and here it comes time, the standings are time related so who solve faster goes up (a bit like the performance of normal tournaments).

I do think that by putting few of these tournament in the general page and by polishing the idea it could be a great success, the "competition" that chess player need (see the success of chess puzzle championship) united with an instructing tournament could be cool,.

What do you think?

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