
Carlsen versus Nepomniachtchi: FIDE World Championship Round 11

Good Morning,

just wonder why Nepo didn ́t play Rook e2 instead of king f3, after the last Knight was gone?
Well, Nepo's performance was well below the standards for a WC match and everybody agrees to that (Kasparov, Caruana, Hikaru , the commentators, etc). The blunders were pathetic and patzer-like (no offence, I'm sure Nepo will agree too) Nepo would have seen them in a blitz game if he were in shape.

But here's the thing, Nepo seems ignorant or rather arrogant. He knows he has a problem, some sort of psychological problem which has been troubling him for years now. He doesn't know how to recover from a loss in any tournament whatsoever. Surprisingly he has never worked on it despite people pointing it out numerous times...maybe he really needs help and isn't asking ?

That being said, The Candidates was sort of gifted to him in some way. It was in two legs and he ended leg one with a loss to MVL which is a huge setback in his head.Magnus pointed that out prior to the match.Nepo was highly unlikely to qualify had it been one leg. He himself didn't see Nepo as a worthy candidate and neither do I.Nepo is highly unstable for a WC match.

It was Carlsen's easiest WC so far or looked like the easiest WC in history where your opponent is just gifting you simple wins just after losing one WC-level quality game (Game 6) , not the spirit of a champion or a challenger.

So yeah, a bit of a dissapointment really. Hopefully Alireza (seems like the obvious) would up a better show. Caruana might have a chance too.But I'd definitely consider Caruana, Alireza and Ding as more worthy chess championship candidates than Nepo (a DOTA player at this point).Looking forward to 2023 !
Btw, there's no meaning in debating about it, at this point LOL. Cause Nepo still walked away with 800,000€ for that awful and meek performance, showing no resistance.
@movingbeforethinking said in #35:
> Good Morning,
> just wonder why Nepo didn ́t play Rook e2 instead of king f3, after the last Knight was gone?

Well, an odd question considering the fact that Nepo threw the game intentionally. He simply didn't wanna play and thought Magnus will finish the game with some tactical beauty.But to his agony , the evil Endgame god decided to tortured him in a lost rook endgame. Magnus was like , "I have 10 ways to win but this seems classic, cool and cruel. I wanna show some good chess eventhough my opponent is throwing".
And Nepo simply didn't wanna try :) He resigned his fate to the inevitable loss...
Btw, lets' throw all this aside and discuss some real stuff : Karjakins shallow, poor and salty comments after Magnus' seconds were revealed.

So what if Dubov helped Carlsen ? It wasn't Russia. Vs Norway. Sad to see he seems to consider it that way. It was Nepo vs Carlsen and Dubov was a good friend of Carlsen and decided to help him. Nothing to do with country or politics.

Sad that some Russians still see chess as some political stuff when it comes to Russian challengers and champions. That era was over and shouldn't have existed in the first place.
Does anybody know who the guy asking the questions for lichess on that last press conference was?

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