
Looking for consistent training partners, classical chess, ideally 90+30, rated or casual

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Sorry I didn't message you anymore. Of course I'd like to keep playing with you. However I started playing 30+5 instead of 90+30, because I can either play a game like rapid or need much more time like 2 hours so I can make a long break inbetween going to eat and drink something, as I can't keep my concentration up for over an hour straight. I am anything else than consistend, but sorry I didn't message you anymore, was busy with a lot of other things.
Hi , I am also interested in training for OTB, although with the difference in time zones ( 12h+) and rating (200+ difference) it may not be possible or fruitful. I could do one 45+30 match ( 90+30 is simply too long for me, I could maybe play for 3 hours at a time without losing focus, but any more than that I will lose focus, and i simply dont have the time in a long strech to play a 90+30 game. ) a week on Sundays though.

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