
what do you guys think of chesscademy

It's very good. The user Matetricks here in Lichess is the developer of that site. I find it very helpful at my chess level.
It doesn't matter. You can take the basic lessons anyway.
Also, the site is under development.
I think before the site grows any more, that site should have a translating feature like Lichess is doing. The rest of the world would use it even more. Example : French speaking chess students could also learn from your site.
I like your siite very much keep up the excellent work. We need more people like you.
#5, mini bug report: on chess puzzles (I only tried the tactics ones), the responsive feedback message uses the minus sign to indicate the change in "tactic rating" whether you succeed or fail. When you succeed, it should be a plus sign!

What it says now:
Well Done! -35

What it should say:
Well Done! +35

I would also recommend you implement a feedback/commenting system similar to Khan Academy's, which would be just about perfect for the purposes of Chesscademy. In fact, the two websites are somewhat similar in purpose so there's plenty of ideas you could copy from it.
:O Like a chess skill-tree, that would be fantastic!
The feedback/commenting system is definitely near the top of our priority list! The skill-tree idea also sounds awesome. We're trying to focus on personalized feedback for our next iteration so that there will be explanations for all of the tactics.

As for the rating change, I think we're mainly doing what you're suggesting, but occasionally there is a rating bug and the rating goes down instead of up. For the most part, "Well Done" should be paired with a positive rating change.

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