
puzzles v2: ratings

Maybe it's a bug, but if I get the puzzle wrong, it doesn't punish me by removing rating points (?
How can a puzzle be overrated? Its rating is based on the ratings of users that pass/fail. Just because you find one easy doesn't mean it's 'overrated' - if everyone found it easy then this would be reflected in the rating of the puzzle.
@jusal -- could it be you were revisiting the puzzle? I found that once I lost to or beat a puzzle but went back to look at it, my rating wouldn't change -- which is the right behavior. But the checkboxes were wrong/misleading ... they would change to match the latest result.
As a poor chess player, I hate the new system. I don't like the auto retry, and prefer the old system with the "try again button". I also don't like being required to vote on puzzles, because I don't think that I know that much about chess puzzles to rate them.
Everyone seems to be so happy. I find this change horrible. Puzzle rating is now a meaningless number. You can literally skip and pick and chose puzzles you like.

The whole point of previous system was that you could not skip puzzles. You either eventually give up and risk losing the rating or find a solution.

This is like puzzle survival, except for not having to solve simple mate in 1 puzzles. It was perfect.

Now I don't even know what this is. I'm pretty sure I'll just drop my support for lichess, as the only feature I used and enjoyed got gutted.

I don't mind the new system for training, it is fine, but the rating must be updated only based on unskippable sequence of puzzles. Solve mate in 1 for fun all you want in your spare time.
I am in love with this new update. Especially because now I can select a particular theme and just do drills. Regarding people complaining about puzzle rating, I don't care at all. At the end of the day, what matters is your ability to solve puzzles and find such tactics in your game, not your puzzle rating on lichess.
The rating is important as a measure of progress. I gained 200 points today because new puzzle rating is horrible. So it no longer represents true skill level.

I don't care about the number, but I do care about the system that gives me hard puzzles, yet possible for my rating (that's where accurate rating matters). And current system is not it.

Hopefully rating of the new puzzles will stabilize and go back to normal.
In the new system, i seem to get frustrated because the end of the winning move sequence does not get played. For instance, i just played a puzzle which ends with the queen forking the king and a rook. In the V1 system, I would take the rook at the end of the puzzle... not in V2, and i find it frustrating.
I like the new update very much, thank you lichess devs!
The Puzzle ELOs seem a bit low, i gained 150 points and the puzzles felt easy. But this is something which time will fix i guess?

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