
puzzles v2: ratings

If I may make a suggestion to the developers team of lichess, then it would be this:

1. The puzzle rating should be only based up on the progress in the "healthy mix".

2. For all the specific themes (which i definitely appreciate an will use for training), there should be no possibiltity for gaining rating points.

Then the puzzle rating represents the true skill level (as before the old puzzle V1 system) and the new puzzle theme feature can be used for a more specific and better training.

Nevertheless very good job.
Good work. A few comments:

1) The URL no longer contains the puzzle. I was working on a puzzle and had to stop. Later when I returned I got a new puzzle so I wasted a lot of time on one I never made a move for. And because I don't have the URL of that puzzle in my history I can't go back and attempt it manually. (I'd want to do that even if I didn't receive any points for it).

2) My puzzle score on the puzzle page is not reflected in the graph on my profile.

3) I can't see how many points I've got historically on the puzzle page. Where the red/green squares with the scores used to be there's just an orange rectangle which takes me to the puzzle I'm already on, although I do at that point see the url of the puzzle. It should always do this so I can bookmark/navigate through history to find it again.

4) I'm not sure what the thumbs up/down at the end are supposed to mean. Thumbs down, for example, could mean:
too easy
too hard
wrong solution shown
something else
Perhaps there should be more choices? Or a "report this puzzle" link?

5) I'd like to play around with puzzle categories other than "healthy mix" but I don't want it to affect my score as I'm working pretty hard to slowly and carefully solve them and track my progress, but I'd also like to be able to experiment quickly and without risking my score on endgames, for example. It would be good to not have to play in incognito mode/create two accounts etc to do this. Perhaps you should be able to "protext" healthy mix/normal mode puzzles so that they affect your score but all the other types don't.
I fully agree, please keep the puzzles in order so it's not possible to skip; every custom category should be casual, and please restore the graph as soon as possible, no matter if ratings are a bit biased now due to puzzles not being stable yet
Regarding #2 I'm around 2000 in puzzles yet get 1600-1800 puzzles when I choose healthy mix, is this a bug or is it meant to happen?
@LFC2020 are your settings "normal" or "easier"? Regardless of that, keep in mind that puzzle ratings are not stable yet so you may get over- or underrated ones
I was setting harder and still getting 1600-1800
I really like the new v2 puzzles but there is a problem.
My puzzle score hasn't updated at all on my profile board since I started solving these new v2 puzzles.
Yes, the graph in the profile shows only V1 rating for me as well.
First off, big thanks to the Lichess team for getting this out to us. I'm sure there are a few things to iron out and feedback to be given, but all the work is appreciated.

Regarding the Puzzles v2 I do agree that for rating purposes you shouldn't be able to skip puzzles. Swapping to another puzzle difficulty then back will load up a new puzzle.

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