It's possible for white to force a draw from this position, let me know if you got it and what you think! position at move 63 should be lost for white if Black only knows how to use opposition/outflanking correctly.
The position after 71. ...Qe1+??? spoils a won position and enters a theoretical draw since Black cannot use the usual Q vs pawn on the 7th technique due to stalemate.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think White is actually just 1 move too slow to draw (despite the outcome of the game) from the given position since after Black queens he can block f8 with his queen.
Poor white~
71. ... Qe1 spoils nothing as the position is already a dead draw
A queen vs a bishop pawn on the 7th rank - a theoretically drawn position
71..Qe1 is a huge blunder because 71..Qb4 just gets the queen in front of the pawn obviously
yes, 69. Ke6 was the decisive blunder
you are a strong player Jan, I did not know a bishop pawn was a draw, so It depence of the column nice to know,
Ill check it tomorrow as Its important endgame.