
I'm on a quest to be GM. Hear me out... or just laugh at me :)

I've always been interested in the notions of cognition, sports psychology and self-improvement. I have been competitive for most of my life both in sports and mental sports, such as chess.

I probably peaked at 2000 - 2050 at one point, but stagnation caught up to me. Stagnation in the form of fluctuating interest, life and a lack of structured plan for chess improvement.

So now I ponder, what makes a grandmaster a GRANDMASTER?
I've deducted a grandmaster's skills as this:

"Pattern recognition and calculation."

A monstrous tactical ability involves pattern recognition and calculation. Endgame knowledge requires exact pattern recognition and calculation. Most positional chess knowledge requires knowing the weaknesses of enemy positions and improving one's own through pawn structure recognition.
And of course opening knowledge is what? Pattern recognition and calculation!

So here's my checklist for improvement and in proper order:

1. Learn tactics first. 1000 tactical puzzles daily. You have no right to learn chess if you can't even see tactical potshots.
2. Learn strategy and endgames next. The tactical drills should have increased your calculating power as well.
3. Learn openings last. No point in memorizing moves if your non-book chess ability sucks.

Just my two cents! Try the above methodology. Tell me if you've made progress in a few months.

(You've got nothing to lose...but time)

1000 tacticals puzzle daily?
either you are a genius or a troll
anyway good luck
I ve done about 1000 tactical puzzle in about two years.
So you would have done like 600.000 lol
I just dont believe you sorry.
It takes a lot of dedication to become a GM that most people don't have enough passion to succeed. ask yourself this, do you want to be a chess grand-master? or do you want to master chess?
Getting to GM requires more then just 1000 tactical problems a day, it also requires a lot of OTB experience. Due to the law of diminishing returns 1000 problems a day will not be as effective as you think.
<motion> and <jonc>,

Tactics is not everything in chess. But someone named Michael de la Maza went from 1100 ELO to 2100 in one year by first turning into a tactical monster. He called his method "Rapid Chess Improvement".

You know what else is missing to break the 2100 barrier? Everything else. Endgame mastery will probably give you 300 more ELO owing to the fact that it will also improve your chess strategy as less pieces mean higher accuracy and precision requirement.

I can do 200 puzzles (1800 to 2200 level) per day right now through a program called CT ART through convekta. And I nearly peaked at 2000+ at my club before.

So...again. Laugh at me, or give it a shot. Or just be a naysayer. ;)

I really dont care if you become grandmaster or no
I just think that doing 1000 puzzles daily sounds like a nightmare but if You enjoy it, Its up to you.
< motion >

Well you asked if I was trolling. Which means I could be, or not.

Of course 1000 puzzles is a nightmare. What did Garry Kasparov call chess?

"Mental torture"

But that's how it goes for any sport or anything requiring skill. Just think of your brain as a muscle, and then you'll get why you have to train it. ;)

Ok, then You are comitted, cheers
dont forget to rest, resting is always good after training.
I admire your quest, but I'm curious as to whether or not you are following your own advice.

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