
Why not draw? King and Knight versus King and Knight without any pawns

When an infinite number of monkeys play for an infinite time randomly, there will be uncountable mates in every corner.

It’s like in other sports. If you forfeit, get injured, die, become ill or whatever the opponent will get the maximum of points available. No matter how likely this would be under normal circumstances.

Read the rules. Case closed.

PS: what about this?

#1 The problem with changing the timeout rules is that edge cases arise, for example with a reasonable defense these would be drawn:

Unfortunately USCF rules are too challenging to implement for online play:
So the people who want to promote sportsmanlike behaviour are thumbed down by others. Coooool.

Also it's not about timeout rules, it's about aborting games as draw due to insufficient material (in a rational sense) on BOTH sides before a timeout happens.
The Laws of Chess are the same for everybody.
Playing KN vs. KN is not more unsportsmanlike than KR vs. KR or KP vs. KQRBNP.
You cabnnot abort games as people would run out their clock to get a draw in face of a forced checkmate.
Increment solves everything.
Just because the law is the same for everybody, doesn't mean the law (or its aftermath) is fine.

And as I said, KR vs KR holds the chance to blunder the rook (especially in bullet controls) and the remaining piece is strong enough to force mate. In KN vs KN this is not the chase, if anything, the flagging opponent will REFUSE to take the opponent knight to keep their flagging going. I'd also say that "flagging to see if your opponent manages to win fast enough" isn't the same as "flagging the opponent over 50 moves in a dead drawn endgame". And then there may also be cases where it's not about flagging but just about one person being too obtuse or stubborn to accept the draw (yes I experienced this!) and this is also an unfavorable situation in tournaments.

It's just a very dumb feeling to continue such a dead endgame where no mate will happen by ANY even remotely realistic means and as long as Lichess doesn't change it, complaints WILL continue.
You can still draw due to the 50 move rule. if you don't have enough time, you didn't manage it properly, as the specific scenario is already covered by the rules, that's all.
This really is just rubbish to me... These are the rules of chess.. AS LONG AS HUMANS STILL PLAY IT... AS LONG AS A MATE IS STILL POSSIBLE.. EVEN THOUGH NOT FORCED... THE GAME MUST GO ON.... Play with increment or play with longer time controls and quit blabbing about nonsensical things... gosh humans!!
FIDE rules are simple, when your time runs out you lose.
Now, they make one exception, if checkmate is never possible - with or without cooperation, it doesn't matter, there is simply not enough material on the board to construct a checkmate, e.g. KB vs. K - then the game is declared a draw.
Does it feel unfair? Perhaps. But it's no more unfair than losing on time being a queen up.
So manage your time correctly as time is a part of the game.
I already tried to point out the difference between "failing to checkmate fast enough" (yes, very frustrating but in the nature of Blitz and Bullet) and "failing to survive a completely pointless position" (which I think is really beyond the spirit of the game).

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