
When should you allow a take back?

You cant mouse slip of football but you can lose your footing on a wet spot on grass. Just like keeping your balance under conditions of a football match so is not slipping your mouse is a skill necessary in football/online chess

After I received my 1st takeback request I went to setting to see if this sillines can be prevented and luckily it was there.

In online Go I have given takebacks but never requested one. 19x19 is lot less forgiving. on 8x8 i really see no reason
In friendly match i always accept a take back and ask for them when i did a huge blender. To me friendly match is for training. So ok one player made a huge blender in our head we know that there is a 1-0 but as we want to train so we can see what would have happened in the rest of the game.

Often when you are playing the same opponent for several games, openings and lines are the same. There is some interesting deviations with what happened in previous games. So not allowing a take back is like saying ok i win i win i win but the next game with the same color we will play exactly the same moves until we do not make that mistake ...

In ranked it is completely different. No take back except when i see a mouse slip. One time i mouse slip and i did not appreciate that my opponent did not accept my take back... sad story ^^
Everyone is a entitled to be a takebeggar. Sackcloth and ashes at hand?
Takeback is not allowed in real chess, so why here? The other side is - in real chess mouseslips dont happens normally (maybe irregular moves when you are very low on time in blitzchess - which is similar to mouseslips in my opinion - means shit happens) - but you never can be sure that its REALLY a mouseslip (sometimes only a blundering move??) - so i am not asking for takeback, and never give it. Aborting the game and starting a new one is better solution after mouseslips, i think.

I'm pretty generous with takebacks, especially with obvoius mouse slips. I don't really accept them in 3+0 or shorter, but otherwise I'm much more likely to accept than decline.

Why? I don't get any satisfaction winning because of a mouse slip or other unusual circumstance. I want to beat (or lose to) my opponent's intended moves, and learn from the game. For those who see it as the nature of the beast- I get it, and that is completely valid. But for me, especially at my rating, I generally enjoy allowing takebacks.

Personally I only request a takeback if I mouse slip and the result is very bad. Most of the time I will accept a mouse slip and try to overcome it, but if (like the OP) I tried to castle, or if I tried to capture but miss by one square (I've lost a queen putting it on a square a pawn attacked), or give away a piece for free (due to a mouse slip of course) I request a takeback. If it's not accepted within a few seconds, I either resign or play on. I hold no ill feelings when a takeback is not granted.
Castling slips are rather obvious. Losing the queen one move later not really.
And if you change your settings from draggiing to click-click those will be rare. And castlign slip usually does not loose the game
Never ever, not even against your daughter should you allow takebacks.
@ken-kowal said:
> White quickly asked for a take back but Black refused.
> In my opinion Black, in a spirit of good sportsmanship, should have allowed
> the take back.

In my opinion White, in a spirit of good sportsmanship, should have resigned immediately.

This is a competitive game and you cannot win without the other losing and vice versa. Asking the other to help oneself win (or, which is the same, not lose) is ridiculous at best and outright cruel at worst because it put the opponent in a double-bind situation. This is psychological torture and in fact White should be publicly punished for such an unfair and uncalled for behavior.

I saw one game the other day, an Exchange French if I remember correctly, where White played Kf1 when you would expect O-O to be played. White quickly asked for a takeback and Black allowed it. But then White played Bf4 instead of O-O! I think here, the Bishop move is somewhat outside the spirit of a mouse-slip takeback. If a King move, O-O, was intended then if you are offered a takeback then your next move should be a King move, O-O. In the game White played O-O, on the very next move , so, playing Bf4 didn't really change the evaluation of the position.

In over the board chess we have the touch move rule. This covers moves that a player intends to make. If we apply the touch move rule to a takeback in on-line chess then in the above case a King move (O-O) should be expected to be made.

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