
I reported a computer cheater. Lichess banned him. He is still alowed to play.


Here's the game:

I got pissed off that he refuted this dubious line in a matter of seconds. I know it's a trickyline . From my experience players tend to use at least 20 to 30 seconds to calculate this position; your king is in the center nonetheless. And this dude played almost instantly.
@FlamoToolz The guy hasn't played rated games since I got the notification, but he has played casual games. I'm not aware of the way his opponents might have received an information about his cheating before playing with him but at this point it is irrelevant. The more important thing is WHY? Why is he allowed to play casual?
@beamblitzer "So basically you mean that he will play with people who want to play with someone who cheats. Is there anyone who would want that?"

When you are marked as being a cheat, we all know because it warns you, but they are not told and they cannot see that mark directly. Eventually they notice that they don't get a match, or, more amusingly, "I go in the lobby and all I can see are cheats" because they are "shadow banned". If they were banned, they'd (often) immediately create a new account and (potentially) start cheating again. So this wastes a little of their time.

"WHY? Why is he allowed to play casual?" Because then you're not losing rating points. Another question is "why play casual games?". I only care about my rating because I want to see how I'm doing; I don't care what the absolute number is, just if i'm getting better or worse. So for me, playing casual games makes no sense - especially as it includes cheats. But if you just want to blow off steam and try things out and protect your rating - given than you're not supposed to have multiple accounts - casual is the way to go.
@Doofenshmirtz Are those rules that you mentioned "shadow ban" and etc written somewhere so I can find them? That mechanic you described is pretty cool and I would like to get to know it.
@Doofenshmirtz Thanks, for that info. But honestly that's what imo lichess is lacking. Official terms and regulations and human support. Those are the types of rules that need to be stated officially so anyone can find them easily. I find that pretty disturbing the site operates in a way that may not be very transparent.
@beamblitzer I guess having some stuff written down wouldn't hurt. The growth here in terms of players in the last year or so has been explosive, though. You can download all the games player here and it's just bigger every month. Clearly it's not hurting them; most people just turn up and play chess and don't cheat. Providing support...well, if you're a developer that's just boring, right? Taking time away from fixing bugs, adding functionality to settle squabbles or get drawn into cheating disputes etc - who needs that?
@Doofenshmirtz I see your point and I can imagine that taking into the consideration that access to this website is 100% free, can make the developer not really willing to provide support serivce. Althought as with pretty much with every community it will become necessary at some point imo.
Tengo 2 cuestiones, una es que me meto con mi teléfono y en las partidas no he encontrado el botón de renuncia cuando ya lo tengo perdido, he preguntado en el chat del partido y no me contestan, y ya van varias veces que me pasa esto, y 2 con relación a esto me he encontrado con jugadores que no me matan porque ya me pongo a jugar mal para que se acabe el partido, pero se hacen los *$"%&%&&(/(y no me matan y se comen todas mis piezas y ya si quieren me matan, y luego yo me enojo y me salgo y a mi es el que me reportan por actitud antideportiva, eso se me hace muuuuyyyy INJUSTO

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