
now hiring developers

we also need somebody who can take care of hosting. like finding free web hosting, or getting paid hosting.
Would you like to work on my farm for free? I'll compensate you by letting you boss my 10 year old around
@boilingFrog said in #27:
> ISP's don't block ports, but firewalls can ...

I'm pretty sure it was the ISP blocking the ports, trying to get people to pay more to unblock them. I could be mistaken, though.
@ALucasM said in #1:
> We are hiring developers to help develope a new lichess fork. Note that this isn't an official lichess project. We can't pay money, so developers will become moderators on the site. Message me or @mrdragon07 for more information.

you will be hiring for a long time pal LMAO
my friend too opened a web site but no use not many views he opened website on chess event.named did all alone

Sad life.*emotional damage*
The account you are linking is closed down. I find it interesting that you say all this without any proof for your legitimation. Neither you are a mod yourself, nor do I think that lichess is okay with this. I haven't heard of any procedure that says that devs are becoming mods. I kindly ask you to show who empowers you to make such statements.

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