
now hiring developers

We are hiring developers to help develope a new lichess fork. Note that this isn't an official lichess project. We can't pay money, so developers will become moderators on the site. Message me or @mrdragon07 for more information.
Interesting development. What is the mission statement going to be?
@s2numbuq35i said in #8:
> Interesting development. What is the mission statement going to be?
mission statement? what do you mean by that?
@ALucasM said in #9:
> mission statement? what do you mean by that?

Nothing official. Just a description, so the devs you are trying to recruit know what they'll be working on.

> We can't pay money, so developers will become moderators on the site.
Ok, but that's even more work. What will they work on?

For example:
"Our goal is to be like LiChess, but with more focus on ..."

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