
I am of 15, but I think I cannot continue playing chess because I keep on losing matches.What to do?

@Dr_Drunkstein888 see 10th grade is very important but if you really like chess then I recommend you to spend 30mins to 45mins max in a day not more than that otherwise it may affect your studies
Whether chess is for you or not, only you can answer. But to get good at any game, sport, musical instrument, etc, you have to face setbacks and overcome them.

I recommend you convince your parents to hire you a coach.
Studies are important, so right now I suggest you focus more on them.But of course you can't study all day, so do play some chess in your free time.

Losing games doesn't mean one should leave chess.You can always work on chess after your exams.But right now you can play chess when your done with your studies for the day. Even if you feel that playing games is distractive and you also don't like losing few games then you could do some puzzles at the very least.
You'll find here and there (Lichess, Youtube, books, whatever you want) a lot of advices to improve yours skills and knowledge.
At 15, you would be able to gain some more points on the lichess rating. It is only a matter of time, months, years (Unless you're the next Magnus).

Chess is only a game for pleasure. Not a job. May be it is not the right moment for you to spend a lot of time in front of a chess board because you're a student. May be next year, may be later.

No time studying chess seriously ? A lot of solutions to keep your brain aware about chess. Only pushing pieces when reading famous games, 10 (or 5 or 20 !) puzzles per day, playing some rapid game when you have time (better playing a classic game one day, and analysing the 6 other days). Choose a book that seems good for you and read it during a year, 15 mn each day.
May be always having a travel chessboard, ready to use if you have some friends to play with.
Be like everyone else! Use assistance hahaha. Master level in one scope.
I would seriously urge you to quit chess. It is a tremendous waste of time, and is so much less important than your studies, as well as reading outside studies, learning a musical instrument, learning another language, becoming politically informed and active, having meaningful relationships, even exercise. Except for the miniscule handful who will become GMs, it is really a monumental waste of time. Walk away and don't look back (and bear in mind, most people here will never tell you the truth because they dare not admit it to themselves).

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