

I usually do not take a rematch. Sometimes, when a good game was played, and we are about equal rank. But never, never, when the opponent played on in a clearly lost position the game before. If you are a piece or two down in the ending, and drag the game out to mate, then instantly ask for a rematch, I am not happy. If you are going to waste my time, I am not going to play another with you.
<Comment deleted by user>
They could add options of 2-game matches (or longer ones). I guess for bullet you could happily create a longer match, for blitz a bit shorter and for rapid 2 games would be enough.

You'd then play all the games in the group automatically.

There's often a fear of "revenge cheating" and it has been known to happen, but there are always fears your opponent will cheat against you.
@Toscani said in #12:
> As players' skills improve, they tend to resign more readily from lost positions to save time. While some view resigning as part of chess etiquette, the temptation of a potential time advantage can sometimes override ethical considerations. The clock's purpose should be to ensure games conclude, not to determine a winner in an otherwise lost position. Winning on time, rather than resigning a lost game, is generally seen as less honorable. Perspectives on this issue vary, and it's a topic that resurfaces periodically in chess discussions.

In arenas it's obviously a good idea to resign a lost game quicker to get more games in than drag it out hoping to save it.

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