
Chess books for 1900+ (OTB) players

I have been playing chess seriously for 5 years and have collected lots of books along the way - How to Reassess Your Chess, Art of Attack in Chess, Fundamental Chess Openings and Modern Chess Openings, Bobby Fischer's 60 Memorable Games, and most recently, The Woodpecker Method.
Right now, I'm not really sure what book to read next, but I'm looking for one thats not on openings for 1900+ rating. Any recommendations?
"... Players from 2000 up to International Master will find 100 ENDGAMES YOU MUST KNOW quite useful." - IM John Donaldson
"... Silman’s Complete Endgame Course ... I'm convinced that Silman's book will take its place in history as one of the most popular endgame books ever. ... He writes in a clear and casual style, and time and again has shown the ability to reach those who feel intimidated by the lofty approach that a grandmaster will often take. ..." - IM John Watson (2007)
100 Endgames you must know is a nice book that covers important parts for the endgame
I would opt for the 100 positions you must know first. I’ve had Silman’s Complete Endgame course for over 10 years and half way through. Although I use a lot of the principles in most of my games it a “complete course” for a reason ranging over 500 pages. I hope to finish it this year.
Easy (at least IMO):
1 thin book on theoretical endings. [Thin because these are boring and you more likely keep going if the book isnt as thick as War and Peace-- later get Dvoretsky]
1 book on strategic endings like 'Endgame Strategy'
1 book where a GM annotates his own games. Pick one with similar openings to the ones you play or one whose style is clear and direct [Capablanca, Fischer, Keres, Botvinnik, Smyslov come to mind].

I have a suggestion for a book for you @D_stoltzfus_LMH Endgame Strategy by Mikhail Sherevesky that deals with playing methods & should benefit your Chess ... If you ask me for more than one book I would say The Art Of Defense In Chess by A Soltis ... however you will have to check those positions out as that book is a little Dated but it has great ideas about how to counterattack & defend as well & can bring many rating points to you as most chesplayers don't Study these subjects @D_stoltzfus_LMH plus I believe a few days ago (When you first posted this Forum Post) I went through some of your games so you should as well' ... If you don't finish every word, position or game in every book you read don't stress just move on after learning some main points & Ideas . Plus these days there are Chess Videos & Playing Chess easier Online

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