
Need help improving

Hi, I've been struggling to get my rating up. Can someone please look at some of my recent games to help me get better?
You resigned as black after d4 d5 Bf4. Despite how much Gotham Chess raves about the London, resignation after 2.) Bf4 seems a tad premature. And in the one Caro Kann game I looked at you simply hung your bishop to a direct rook capture. The first thing you gotta do is not resign because your opponent plays the London or some other opening that annoys you, and you’ve got to learn how to not give away your pieces. Do simple tactics exercises. It will help immensely.
You resigned 1/10 games in the first 5 moves, what's up with that? Like I get you hung a pawn or 2 or a exchange etc etc etc, but below I would say around 1800-2000ish people blunder peices a lot, specially in blitz/bullet or even rapid, and miss blunders a lot aswell.
If you want, you could look at some simple thory (no no not 25 moves of engine theory, like maybe the first 3-6 moves). There are many sources online, YouTube, there are e-books, etc etc.
You don't have recent games. The games you played are from 2 weeks ago. So first play off several 15 +10 min games or classical. It doesn't make sense to analyse blitz games.

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