
The Knight, one of the most complex piece in chess

please read forum etiquette. if everybody would promote their studies here, there wouldnt be room for "General Chess Discussion" anymore.


by the way your puzzles have alot of winning solutions which is not ideal if you wanna let people guess the one best move.
The problem is that there is nothing on lichess to promote his studies.
@Bretagne_29 said in #4:
> The problem is that there is nothing on lichess to promote his studies.
Haha lol
But I'll support you by liking it :D
@ Bretagne_29 said in #4:
> The problem is that there is nothing on lichess to promote his studies.
The only thing that promotes your study is, that your study has to be popular and, mot of the times, good. I personally liked your study very much (and I normally don't like those interactive lessons!) and thus gave it a heart (like?).
You can look at my study "The Mighty London System" - I created the study without - and I can't stress this enough - the intention of getting likes or whatever. I created it for myself, trying to collect interesting ideas related to the London System and to develop some ideas. One day I suddenly thought: "This may be ueful to other people too" and thus I worked hard on it, explaining every "important" move as best as I could and soon it was a quite popular study - the irony being, that I only wanted to create a study for the sake of explaining moves of the London Opening - without the intention of getting likes or so.
I never really promoted it in the forums either. So, the best promotion you can have, is a good quality study.
> "Create a study, not ot get likes, but to explain something."
Good one!
The last puzzle was quite interesting....what if the captures weren't made at all? Or the queen saved herself beforehand? Otherwise, all were sane and dude, they were excellent.
@SamannOyB said in #8:
> Good one!
> The last puzzle was quite interesting....what if the captures weren't made at all? Or the queen saved herself beforehand? Otherwise, all were sane and dude, they were excellent.
Thank you so much !

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