
Puzzle - Only a GM can solve it.

Of course, I didn't see it myself in the Blitz game, but later analysis showed that white is +7 here.
Don't use the computer, find a winning move.
White to move.

The first one to post the right answer gets eternal glory and fame. No cheating, no multiple answers. And it should also be added why this particular move is a winner.
@TotallyCheeting said in #2:
> Rxe5, Rxe5, Nc4. This wins a piece.
If you discovered it on your own, then the glory is yours, the right answer. It is difficult for the human eye to find the move Nc4. Well done!
@FastMate said in #3:
> If you discovered it on your own, then the glory is yours, the right answer. It is difficult for the human eye to find the move Nc4. Well done!
Judging by his name he didn't

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