
Knight and King vs. Three pawns and a King

Shouldn't this be a draw?

I lost on time, however it was impossible for my opponent to checkmate me as he only had a king and a knight, while I had three pawns, so technically at least, it was possible for me to win.

Considering there is no way to win the game, wouldn't it be more fair to call a draw even in case of a timeout?

I can of course live with this loss, I did run out of time of course, but I would be interested to hear anyone's perspective on this or to learn about why a situation like this is handled this way.

Thank you.
Not impossible, hence the loss.

Lichess approximates FIDE rules, which are that the side running out of time loses if there is ANY sequence of legal moves ending in the flagged side's getting mated.
Thank you for your helpful replies. I thought that a knight and a king vs. a king is automatically a draw, but I should have realized that the pawns complicate things and make checkmate possible. Thank you again.

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