
Whats wrong

While the last week, there were a lot of strange things. All my accounts became closed while I was playing( I didnt do this). For example, UltrabulletSurvivior , Cexyc, Cexyk, Solid_Soldier and others. Some accounts( as this acc and @Kexyk) became banned, but I swear that I didnt cheat there in any games. Can somebody explain me, why this happened? Is this because of my huge amount of accs, or something else? Please, answer this, I will be defenetely agree with you and won"t do this unlegal stuff again...
I'm pretty sure it's forbidden to have more than one account on Lichess, though I can't find the rule.
Ok, if the matter is really this, I agree that I made a blunder. But can lichess let me create a new account or deban this one that wont close automatically? I will play there and wont create other accounts.
I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that you can open a new account of you've got a sensible reason but that's it's not encouraged.
When creating a new account, you have to confirm "I agree that I will not create multiple accounts."
Your profile says you're a cheater. With the rating you had, I can believe that.

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