
Carlsen versus Nepomniachtchi: FIDE World Championship Round 11

@KexOpening said in #28:
> still he needs some mental support; you know; non of past candidates got another chance yet

Smyslov played three matches with Botvinnik: he drew the first, won the second and lost the third. Kasparov and Karpov played five matches. In pre-FIDE era there were also several cases, but maybe they won't count as the champion was able to choose his opponents.
Imagine this.

You're playing a chess game against your father at age 3 or something. You've beaten him multiple times in a row, so he takes you to a club. The club evaluates your strangth, and they notice that you've been absolutely demolishing their strongest players (1600 FIDE). Your strength in this game made headlines. It made local news. So because of this, you decided to start taking the game seriously, age 4 or something.

You've now been playing the game for 30 years, and you're finally on the top spot. You're up against the world chess champion, coming for his possibly once proud title. You managed to draw 4 times in a row, then...

Disaster strikes. You've made your first loss. It seems as though thousands of weights were put on your shoulders, almost as if you can feel the sadness of the millions of people watching behind the camera. Your family behind the camera...

Yet still, you pull through. It's only one game, isn't it? I can still prove that I'm the one on top and fulfill my childhood dreams from all those years back. You get another draw.

Next game will be the game I take my revenge, you think. I am the true champion here. But...

It's the 7th game. The the millions watching from home, you can somehow feel all of their eyes on you. Even the pieces on the board seemed to be glaring at you. You can feel them, you can somehow hear their thoughts. Will he make the game? Will he pull through till the rapid tiebreaker? What will he do next?

These thoughts, the thoughts of the masses, seep into your brain. You were porobably the first one to think them, yet they managed to seep deeper...

Then suddenly, a new question arises in your brain.

Why are the commentators acting up?

Looking at the board again, you realize something very sinister about the move you just made. It exchanged off into a terrible position, and now you're in an endgame down a pawn with no compensation. Maybe if you were a 1600, 1700, hell, maybe an 1800 on Lichess right now, you'd have a shot of managing a draw. But instead, you're in the world chess championship and you're the challenger. You are going to lose.

The weighted feeling in your shoulders double in intensity. Everything seems to have a bluish-gray tint to it, as if the sadness in your heart is affecting your other senses as well. Everything you hear seems strangely muffled, and even your scent is a tad worse than ever before. The weights, no matter how you try, cannot be lifted. They're pushing down harder than even you weigh. How do you get up?

You start to feel a light in your soul fade away...

I've been learning how to write for a few months now, how is this writing prompt?
Quite nice. And be happy, that you will never have to challenge the writers' world champion to a match over 14 novelles.
Why didn't Nepo play Ng5 and the Fried Liver Attack on move 4 in this game? Sorry for the stupidity, I'm only a novice at chess.
By the way: Magnus Carlsen defends World Championship title for the 5th time, not for the 4th time! Otherwise a good article.
Congratulations Magnus Carlsen! Next time a new world champion will defeat you!

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