
I need urgent help regarding a FIDE tournament...pls do help

So, from 29th May to 2nd June there's a FIDE tournament I have participated in where to open my FIDE, I have scored 2.5 points in 5 games with a average of 1636. So my rating will open 1636. I have played 6 rounds, but I want to know whether I should play the remaining 3 rounds or not since I have heard that the average can also decrease and so my FIDE rating would also just decrease...So my final questions are:
1) Should I continue playing the tournament or leave it in between since my FIDE will open?
2) FIDE is calculated by the old average way or from Performance rating??

Please help urgently.
Thanks, :D

PS: It would be much more helpful if some other rated and experienced players would help, especially if you have a FIDE title.
The FIDE rating list (FRL) is published once a month so if the tournament ends on June 2nd, its result are most likely going to be reflected in July's FRL.
2. See for exact rules.
Simply speaking, for players who don't have a rating yet, the rating performance is used but two "virtual games" against 1800 rated opponents that resulted in draws are added to games you actually played. For players who already had rating, their rating is updated by diffs that are based on the difference between expected result (based on rating difference) and actual result of each game.
@mkubecek said in #2:
> The FIDE rating list (FRL) is published once a month so if the tournament ends on June 2nd, its result are most likely going to be reflected in July's FRL.
> 2. See for exact rules.
> Simply speaking, for players who don't have a rating yet, the rating performance is used but two "virtual games" against 1800 rated opponents that resulted in draws are added to games you actually played. For players who already had rating, their rating is updated by diffs that are based on the difference between expected result (based on rating difference) and actual result of each game.
I don't understand, I just want to know whether I should play the remaining 3 rounds knowing that it may decrease (or increase) my average/performance rating or not. And I think the fide book says it does indeed happen upon performance rating but my friends and coach was saying it was still through the average way and how the fide rating calculator does it.
Why is a change of rating more important to you than playing the remaining games in the tournament?
Even if you get a good rating, you will lose it soon if you don't deserve it. Thats how ratings work.
@Asturc0n said in #4:
> Why is a change of rating more important to you than playing the remaining games in the tournament?
He just wants to get a rating ASAP, so he doesn't care about the tournament anymore
@TPT2010 said in #6:
> He just wants to get a rating ASAP, so he doesn't care about the tournament anymore
No Mr. ***** don't imagine thing on your own. Thats not what I think. I'm saying since some people were saying to leave the tourney and that's why I was asking for HELP and not just saying ima leave it.
@StephenPS said in #5:
> Even if you get a good rating, you will lose it soon if you don't deserve it. Thats how ratings work.
My level is that of 1650 only since I have defeated those players in the toruney and drew one 1892.
@Asturc0n said in #4:
> Why is a change of rating more important to you than playing the remaining games in the tournament?
Well, you are correct, that's what some other people say to me, but the ones who DO say to leave really think themselves that higher rating is better for tourneys and all (Thats what I think they think), so that's why I was asking for help.

I guess the public has helped and reached on the decision to not leave the tournament in between, thanks for your help!

Please also answer Q2 whether ratings open by performance rating (which appears on chess-results) or by the usual/old average method used by the Fide rating calculator on fide's website.
Unless there's a serious reason to quit, like falling ill, of course you should play on. Rating is a statistical measure and the more games you play, the more accurate it will be. If you're quitting only because you feel your rating will decrease, you're saying you don't deserve what it currently is.
It's up to you whether _you_ would rather drop out of the tournament to avoid the risk of ending up with lower rating. Short term, having higher rating may make it easier to enter higher section of next tournament or allow you paying lower tournament fee but as others pointed out, whenever you play next, you always risk that if you don't perform well, you lose some rating.

As for the time factor, AFAIK the results for the whole tournament are sent to FIDE in one batch, therefore it doesn't matter if you drop before the end of the month, as long as the tournament ends in June, all results from it will be only reflected in the July FRL. (There is an exception for long term events which span over more than 30 days.) In other words, if your concern was that dropping now would allow you to enter another June tournament already as a rated player, it should not work like that.

> Please also answer Q2 whether ratings open by performance rating (which appears on chess-results) or by the usual/old average method used by the Fide rating calculator on fide's website.
I already answered this in #2: rating performance is used but it's modified by adding the two "virtual games" so it's unlikely the value will be the same as what chess-results shows. I also cannot be 100% sure if chess-results uses exactly the same tables and algorithms as FIDE FRL. On the other hand, the rating regulations I linked are easy enough to understand so that for one tournament it shouldn't be hard to calculate your rating manually.
It's about ATTITUDE & Personal set of Morals . NEVER WITHDRAW at ANY given time is the way to go' @AyaanshGaur12 (Except maybe a death in the family) PLAY WELL