
how to strategize?

i really dont know how to play chess T-T
i understand the basic moves but cant really think of strategies on the spot
can somebody suggest some ways to like gain focus..
Winning Chess Strategies--Silman. I think this could be the first strategy book. It presents basic strategies very clearly.
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"... While Chernev’s Logical Chess is probably not right as a first chess book, it is accessible to anyone with a basic understanding of chess rules, notation, and at least a few games’ experience. Nunn’s Understanding Chess requires more sophistication. ... While Chernev’s book still offers something for anyone rated under, say, Elo 1800, it is most beneficial for those just above novice up to 1400, approximately. In contrast, most players under 1400, unless they are especially ambitious, will probably find the Nunn book rather daunting. ..."

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