
I went completely off the books and just played by feeling, and the checkmate is really pretty

This game felt really good. I particularly like the 29. Nc4 sacrifice.
Please tell me what you think.

Interesting game. Your Nc4 sacrifice was not the worst move, but it was already a bad position. You were fortunate it worked out for you.

Qc6 hung mate in 1. If instead, they played Rd4 black is the one crashing through.

I think they played Qc6 not noticing it hangs mate in 1 because it has 2 good things for black if it's not hanging mate. Discover check on any rook move, and could pick the c-pawn up with a queen check.
It looks like a pretty fun game. I like your aggression. Sure, not every move is completely sound but it's only wrong if your opponent can prove it, right?

Probably a pretty uncomfortable game for your opponent. Thanks for sharing.

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