
Auto blocking non-takebackers and others

@Sarg0n said in #20:
> I wanna auto-block people who even think about takebacks! Is that feasible?
Still you enjoy enormously to tell us in every other such thread how Sargon the Great is so above all those earthly things like takebacks. I got it 6 years ago.
Why is it such a bad idea to let the takebackers be among their kind?
@Sybotes said in #21:
> Still you enjoy enormously to tell us in every other such thread how Sargon the Great is so above all those earthly things like takebacks. I got it 6 years ago.
> Why is it such a bad idea to let the takebackers be among their kind?

@Sarg0n said in #20:
> I wanna auto-block people who even think about takebacks! Is that feasible?
wait for the lichess brain implant coming in 2026
The thing that actually made me disable takebacks in rated games since about a year or two ago was the sheer amount of a$$hats that would play super fast, then make some blunder and when I punish their blunder, they'd propose takebacks. And when I don't oblige, they'd hurl curses in the chat/stall the game/offer draws repeatedly/etc (often times a combination of these). And then there were times when I would really make a legit misclick like move my queen right next to where an opponent pawn can take it, they take it immediately, and when I'd offer a takeback in such a case, my opponents would always decline (which is understandable, they may not get another chance to capitalize on a blunder of mine). And that got me thinking...

Takebacks in rated games is basically having an "undo" option that can be used at the discretion of your opponent. More often that not, and understandably so, opponent won't oblige your request, nor are they required to. Disabling takebacks saves you headache in both cases: you do not get unnecessary takeback requests from opponent, nor do you give yourself the crutch of having a takeback option to fall back to and pester your opponent to allow it when you need; if you blunder and opponent punishes it, that's it: you were careless with your moves. You can either resign and move on, or try to fight with whatever material you have left (on this note, I have actually had games where I blundered a rook or a minor piece early but still fought, opponent blundered several moves later, and I either got it to a draw or even got a win at times!)

Chess is a game of calculation, sure, but it is also a game of nerves. Having no takebacks makes you more accountable for your moves, teaches you to fight on in imbalanced positions, teaches you to make conversion as hard as possible for your opponent, and much more!

Like someone said in an earlier comment, takebacks only really make sense in casual games (for example, training games with a friend/coach). When you play rated games, takebacks are an unnecessary distraction most of the time. If you legit make a misclick and your opponent does feel pity for you, they can always offer a draw if they want, and you can accept a draw by agreement, though the best option imo is to just resign and lose a bit of rating. You can always gain it back in the next game, if you play well.
There is already no takebacks in tournaments. I see no reason to disable them in normal games, rated or not. Even if I don't need it (only used 1 or 2 times).
Well I most often play using touch screen and it is very easy to do a missclick there. Usually more missclicks per a game are present. If I resign every game I missclick I would play only openings which is the most boring part of the game, you probably agree. I think takebacks are absolutly necessary feature and I do not want to play with people not allowing it. Why do you owners of truth force us not wanting that to play with you? Best if there is also added a feature for you to pair you only with those have the same setting? Just to be equal. For now I feel discriminated, because you have feature to not allow takeback and I do not have a feature not to play with you.
@Anon581 said in #24:
> The thing that actually made me disable takebacks in rated games since about a year or two ago was the sheer amount of a$$hats that would play super fast, then make some blunder and when I punish their blunder, they'd propose takebacks. And when I don't oblige, they'd hurl curses in the chat/stall the game/offer draws repeatedly/etc (often times a combination of these). And then there were times when I would really make a legit misclick like move my queen right next to where an opponent pawn can take it, they take it immediately, and when I'd offer a takeback in such a case, my opponents would always decline (which is understandable, they may not get another chance to capitalize on a blunder of mine). And that got me thinking...

I agree it happened to me that when an opponent lost a queen proposed takeback which I allowed and thereafter when I made a mistake he declined my takeback also prior to his move. But that is a life and I could fight further as you described later.

> Takebacks in rated games is basically having an "undo" option that can be used at the discretion of your opponent. More often that not, and understandably so, opponent won't oblige your request, nor are they required to. Disabling takebacks saves you headache in both cases: you do not get unnecessary takeback requests from opponent, nor do you give yourself the crutch of having a takeback option to fall back to and pester your opponent to allow it when you need; if you blunder and opponent punishes it, that's it: you were careless with your moves. You can either resign and move on, or try to fight with whatever material you have left (on this note, I have actually had games where I blundered a rook or a minor piece early but still fought, opponent blundered several moves later, and I either got it to a draw or even got a win at times!)
> Chess is a game of calculation, sure, but it is also a game of nerves. Having no takebacks makes you more accountable for your moves, teaches you to fight on in imbalanced positions, teaches you to make conversion as hard as possible for your opponent, and much more!
> Like someone said in an earlier comment, takebacks only really make sense in casual games (for example, training games with a friend/coach). When you play rated games, takebacks are an unnecessary distraction most of the time. If you legit make a misclick and your opponent does feel pity for you, they can always offer a draw if they want, and you can accept a draw by agreement, though the best option imo is to just resign and lose a bit of rating. You can always gain it back in the next game, if you play well.

I usually play casual games where I find it absolutely legitimate even on bad moves not only missclicks. Declining takeback after opponent move is OK, of course (but simetimes opponent moves fast I can find takeback button unfortunately). Also declining takeback in rated game is OK. I stopped playing rated games on touchscreen. I do missciclk also using computer, but much less than on touchscreen. Offering draw is the same as a resign. Once more new opening instead of interesting game. I want to have fun not to hunt for higher score.
@mglcp said in #26:
> Well I most often play using touch screen and it is very easy to do a missclick there. Usually more missclicks per a game are present. If I resign every game I missclick I would play only openings which is the most boring part of the game, you probably agree. I think takebacks are absolutly necessary feature and I do not want to play with people not allowing it. Why do you owners of truth force us not wanting that to play with you? Best if there is also added a feature for you to pair you only with those have the same setting? Just to be equal. For now I feel discriminated, because you have feature to not allow takeback and I do not have a feature not to play with you.

So you have admitted that is solely your problem and you’re relying on the courtesy of others? What about move confirmation to overcome YOUR problem?

That’s exactly the point. You are messing it up and others are bothered.
PS: I used to disable the feature. Now I haven’t because - I wanna see them asking and waiting for the thing that never comes. Hat, har!
I would like to continue with discussion only with developers/platform managers on whether it is possible or not, others, please do ot respond in this thread. I am not interested in flamewar. I just consider it to be a good option.


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