
How do I get to 2000 rapid rating?

I was stuck at 1950 rating then suddenly my rating decreased much and went to 1810, now I reached 1900 again but now can't improve. Pls tell me how to get to 2000
Bro I also wish to reach 2500 but that's not the fact. You can only get to 2000 when you win the match and to win you must practice. Still I used to play in recently shifted to lichess since I was tired of premium stuffs. And I don't know if has any free hacks to improve rating but as per my knowledge you can practice few puzzle stuffs and don't play much of rapid else your rating may drop.

You may play Blitz games and non-rated rapid games and only start playing rated when you are pretty strong till then you may use a new account on different device to play rated rapids game or practice but don't create many accounts as lichess is against that and might kick you out from playing in their platform.
Find out why you are losing games. Find out why you win games. This will help evaluate your strengths and weaknesses and narrow your areas to work on.
Top 3 weaknesses.... rep the hell out of them.
Make a weak opening your strength.
Improve endgames and learn when to push for quick endgame in openings that trouble you.
All in theory... I probably won't be consistent enough to reach 2000 either.
Try to always check for treats in the position this will make you to not blunder so often
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@Duusker said in #9:
> Sometimes I play play bad and I know it. Then I should stop playing or play without rating. If I don't I have a free rating-fall. So my method to gain rating points is: Stop playing rated games when I loose a game and come back tomorrow

Okay, I would try


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