
Bishop or knight?

Knights are better because they can fork easily while bishops need to be protected.
I would argue Bishops, since for a lot of people faith is a big part of of their life and they sort of keep the church organized.

With Knights, I dont know what their value is these days. I guess it depends on each knight - how useful they make themselves to their community - I think there can be good knights and also some devilish knights abusing their status.
Knights are better, but only when you use the Horsey piece set.
The longer the time control the more bishops statistics rise, the shorter the more knights rise. It also depends on the number of pawns, and weather there is a bishop pair, and weather the opponent has same color bishop or opposite. All these things are taken into consideration statistically, but its helpful to know the factors that make one stronger than another. Another example is how well a knight and queen can coordinate for an attack, whereas the bishop is predictable since you know its relegated to one color and cant pass through pieces. So its easier to calculate, but that doesn't mean its worse. Hence knights being better in bullet in my opinion.

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