
Semi Marathon :)

I’d been looking forward to participating in this mega lichess event but I didn’t have time...

Yesterday I saw there’s the big words “2024 Spring Marathon”. I couldn’t control myself and gave it a go (in fact, I’d only played 1 blitz game on this acc before joining the marathon! :))

I was late for 1h, took noon break for 2.5h, dinner 1h, basketball 1.5h, and I even accidentally fell asleep at night from 0-8 a.m!!

Overall my real participation time was approx. 10h hours!

But I guaranteed my quality, didn’t cared much about the result and had quite some fun chatting lol.

The result? I was finally ranked 22th.
—145 games played, 85% win rate, 30% berserk rate, including a 28 winning streak!

Even I missed the top 10 by felling asleep, I felt delighted, since I’m not tiring myself by focusing full 24h on chess. I did other things as well including sleeping :)

So, the chess lovers in front of the screen, did you enjoy the marathon?
I show my ultimate respect for top ranked players who had super stamina. But I want to show even “greater than ultimate” respect for those who played better than expected and still didn’t exhaust themselves :)
Me with 19hrs of playtime and 300games but still 292th: ...
I had already tried the exotic experience of 24 hours of games, but I didn't do it again.

this time I did a late join, I played 5-6 hours and I finished 516th.

I consider that the level was lower than in the other marathons, in particular that people did more Berserk backs. given my level, I should have finished well below, around the top 1500-2000.

for once, I'm glad I didn't win a trophy, I would have felt inappropriate winning something I didn't deserve. I literally more panicked for my opponents if they wouldn't make the top500. glad that a random guy at 2000 that I had beaten earlier managed to win the trophy.
I played 253 games and managed to get 259 points with 13-14 hrs of playing. I zerked quite a bit considering that I have 0% zerk on my last 2 marathons. I managed to not fall asleep thanks to fun games and conversations with @Acrobat31 and @TaiSThuban who also made it top 500
:). It actually helped me in an OTB tournament that I had from May 14-19 and I managed to gain the elo I lost in the previous tournament. The marathon helped me to analyse my win percentages against different openings and with different colours.

Overall it was a fun, enjoyable and a useful experience and I’m looking forward to get top 100 in the next one
You managed to play the marathon without decreasing your rating! Brilliant! I played 301 games and decreased 234 points (tho I did came 6th) But yeah my consistency was really really bad and my win rate was very low also I overall wasn't able to get much streaks
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@Gautham_A said in #6:
> I played 253 games and managed to get 259 points with 13-14 hrs of playing. I zerked quite a bit considering that I have 0% zerk on my last 2 marathons. I managed to not fall asleep thanks to fun games and conversations with @Acrobat31 and @TaiSThuban who also made it top 500
> :). It actually helped me in an OTB tournament that I had from May 14-19 and I managed to gain the elo I lost in the previous tournament. The marathon helped me to analyse my win percentages against different openings and with different colours.
> Overall it was a fun, enjoyable and a useful experience and I’m looking forward to get top 100 in the next one
heyo, what a ping :/
You could just mention me without pinging like: TAiSThuban without the "@" :/ smh
@Gautham_A said in #8:
> @Rimac_C2 thanks! Though i did not have a great win-rate either, I somehow managed to not decrease my rating. GG

No offense but I meant to say it @Dac-Mayko-Joe-1a anyways, Thats Great, you also managed to not decrease your rating

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