
I can't believe my opponent had a save here!

In the following position I was thinking I'd won with Rf5. What could white possibly do to save themselves from Rh5?

Yup. I take his Q with check but he also traps my queen. Amazing. I need to learn to think deeper in positions. If I had this as a chess problem "white to play and save themselves" I'd probably find the solution in 3-5 minutes. But in my own game... I didn't even consider if there is a counter attack for White. My thinking was "I win their queen, game over". Doh!
Yes, but actually your queen isn't "trapped", because at the end variant she can go back to d8, that's why it's leaving to an equal position and not a white-winning position. But, it's an amazing tactic, thanks for sharing this !
Very nice! It's a pity Lichess has no defensive puzzles, like find the only saving sequence rather than the only winning sequence.
"I need to learn to think deeper in positions."

Well, I wouldn't get too bugged about that one. Only a comp--or GM--is likely to see such a thing (unless of course we have it pointed out to us first). :)

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