
got a warning for my username

@Gay_Pride said in #70:
> My thoughts exactly.
> That time the community spoke up and he was able to keep his nick.
And now, when someone needs support, he get hate in return
I believe this is the first time I am not sure about a Lichess decision of this kind.

For example, I have witnessed extremely toxic posts that made very clear racist references, but only by means of word play. In those cases the ban was the right thing to do.

But this kind of activity is generally carried out by accounts with few games and lots of posting.

This seems to be the reverse case. The op accounts almost never posts (twice in 2 years) and plays a lot (thousand of games).

To be honest, playing thousands of games for 2 years and getting a 2 day notice of account closure sounds harsh to me.
@m011235 said in #73:
> I believe this is the first time I am not sure about a Lichess decision of this kind.
> For example, I have witnessed extremely toxic posts that made very clear racist references, but only by means of word play. In those cases the ban was the right thing to do.
> But this kind of activity is generally carried out by accounts with few games and lots of posting.
> This seems to be the reverse case. The op accounts almost never posts (twice in 2 years) and plays a lot (thousand of games).
> To be honest, playing thousands of games for 2 years and getting a 2 day notice of account closure sounds harsh to me.
Sigh... I read everything here. In this day and age there are so many ways to offend people that it seems we need to walk on eggshells. Personally I don't like drama, so I picked a neutral name that means nothing just so I never have to deal with this sort of thing.

Sorry you'll lose your account... I know I would be sad about it even with my low ratings... I just like keeping my history.

I wish you well!
@LordSupremeChess said in #74:
> As in now?

Do you think Hitler should be given a second chance of killing millions of people, just so that we can't say the victors are choosing the truth?
@i-bex said in #6:
> But making sexuality your personality is weird in the first place and broadcasting it on a forum with kids is inappropriate

Give me a break, there are gay flags next to the usernames all over the site. If his username is offensive by the site standards, that flag is offensive by the same logic.

And if you say making his sexuality his personality is weird and inappropriate for kids in the forums, the flags do exactly the same at the very least, if not even more explicit.

I love the site, but I would be very very dissapointed if they punish you in any way shape or form.
@Alientcp said in #78:
> If his username is offensive by the site standards, that flag is offensive by the same logic.

@Le_Patzer83 said in #46:
> And look how this thread is going. Lol! Too controversial.
Only because Lichess decided to ban the name. Until now, there was 0 importance and relevance to the nickname. Z E R O. none. Nada.

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