
Why everyone hates the London System opening?

I think a lot of it is just that it is both very popular and a very repetitive opening to play against. I don't mind playing against it as Black and have a decent score against it, but I certainly find that if I'm playing an arena or something it gets a bit dull to play against 4 or 5 London players in a row.
There's a lot of hysteria in this. "Hate"? Get a life and let people liking and disliking what they want.

There are at least six serious ways to fight the London System. So a beginner may learn a lot on each side. Nothing against it.

For players beyond FIDE 1500 I would prefer 1.e4 with white to learn to play open positions. Chess is for fun for most of us. I would never disrespect anyone starting with other moves or ideas.
######, everyone I know hates the London system opening except for my friend that's from England!
#1 @SirTheodore I think London system is a quite solid opening and it could bring interesting positions however people are finding an opening which may suit their style of playing and we exactly can't say people hate London system maybe it doesn't suit their style of playing
There is a very easy way to end this opening hatred.. Chess 960.

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