
aliens next target is earth

<Comment deleted by user>
Good, because I have too many nukes, machine guns, pistols, grenades, rockets, helicopters, and dynamite just sitting in my house collecting dust. Readying missiles!
Sir, I have our suspect BISC1112, his location should be 198.231.790 and his background identity probably European. This suspect was reported to illegally possess, a nuke, two machine guns, five pistols, 10 grenades, 2 rockets, 1 helicopter stolen from the CIA, a batch of dynamite, he is currently sitting in his house. We have his location right now.
Suspect BISC1112 is under our signal, sending in RRT immediately, they shall arrive at 21:20. Please lay low troop Beta-07
@Savage_Water said in #3:
> Sir, I have our suspect BISC1112, his location should be 198.231.790 and his background identity probably European. This suspect was reported to illegally possess, a nuke, two machine guns, five pistols, 10 grenades, 2 rockets, 1 helicopter stolen from the CIA, a batch of dynamite, he is currently sitting in his house. We have his location right now.
Actually, I have 50,000 nukes, 594,048 machine guns, 843,874,803 pistols, 287,839 grenades, 15,000 helicopters, and 14 batches of nuclear dynamite. So, prepare to explode.
Oh, and you also have my nationality wrong.
i have MC pvp skills and that's literally it. LOL
@LordSupremeChess said in #5:
> Actually, I have 50,000 nukes, 594,048 machine guns, 843,874,803 pistols, 287,839 grenades, 15,000 helicopters, and 14 batches of nuclear dynamite. So, prepare to explode.
> Oh, and you also have my nationality wrong.

Bravo six, going dark.
Bad news Chancellor Whymztrrqs, our intel on the third planet of the X623-asd76 stellar system turned out to be obsolete. Massive degradation of environmental indicators observed since our last mission. Most probably related to activity related to an invasive species we observed forming colonies and burning fossil fuels. Advanced to total inhabitability of the planet a possibility within a 200 year span. A shame since no technological threat was detected for us and reasonable amount of resources still available. I strongly suggest changing course to nearby stellar system D876-qwe98, last observational data is recent and looks promising.
@m011235 said in #9:
> Bad news Chancellor Whymztrrqs, our intel on the third planet of the X623-asd76 stellar system turned out to be obsolete. Massive degradation of environmental indicators observed since our last mission. Most probably related to activity related to an invasive species we observed forming colonies and burning fossil fuels. Advanced to total inhabitability of the planet a possibility within a 200 year span. A shame since no technological threat was detected for us and reasonable amount of resources still available. I strongly suggest changing course to nearby stellar system D876-qwe98, last observational data is recent and looks promising.
Alright, let me ready the Power Destructor of Oblivion for obliviation.

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