
aliens next target is earth

@LordSupremeChess said in #5:
> Actually, I have 50,000 nukes, 594,048 machine guns, 843,874,803 pistols, 287,839 grenades, 15,000 helicopters, and 14 batches of nuclear dynamite. So, prepare to explode.
> Oh, and you also have my nationality wrong.
Imagine a short circuit
@LordSupremeChess said in #5:
> Actually, I have 50,000 nukes, 594,048 machine guns, 843,874,803 pistols, 287,839 grenades, 15,000 helicopters, and 14 batches of nuclear dynamite. So, prepare to explode.
> Oh, and you also have my nationality wrong.
you should rule the world.. y you are not a president of the world?

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