
Level 6 Bot always outplays me...Frustrating

@mkubecek said in #9:
> Do you have a source for this information? I only played level 6 once (rapid and rather as a test of the e-board interface) so I don't feel confident to estimate its strength but it sounds surprising that there would be so enormous difference between level 5 (which never gave me much trouble) and level 6.

Lichess is the source. I remember it was 2200 or 2300. Level 5 was 2000. Approximation.
I tested level 6, 10/0, a few minutes ago, offline, and I was able to get a draw. 2300 might not be accurate. Although, the stength may also change depending on hardware right? Different computer models may yield different strength levels.
@Sleprithslayer said in #11:
> Lichess is the source. I remember it was 2200 or 2300. Level 5 was 2000. Approximation.
Sounds like that table that keeps getting repeated in the forum but has nothing to do with reality. I played level 5 few times and never had much problem winning against it which is definitely not the case against 2000 (lichess) rated players. And even if it were true, 2200-2300 lichess rating still doesn't sound like IM level.

> Although, the stength may also change depending on hardware right? Different computer models may yield different strength levels.
AFAIK it does not work like that. Also, I'm playing on a machine with Ryzen 5900X and 96 GB of memory, i.e. stronger hardware than most players. (Actually, I'm not even sure if the engine you play against runs on your side or on the server.) What would play a role is the time control, though: the bot only takes a fraction of a second for each move so that it plays with the same strength whether it's a 1+0 bullet game or a 90+30 classical; but for a human player that's a lot of difference.
@mkubecek said in #12:
> And even if it were true, 2200-2300 lichess rating still doesn't sound like IM level.

It's not based off lichess rating. Lichess sets the strength level of the bots, and provides a real life approximation.
Level 8, is presumably 3000. It should, theoretically, crush any GM.
Level 6 is 2300, which is IM level.

Since an IM played level 6 and claims that the rating feels lower than the average IM, we can only guess that it's overrated.
Perhaps they should just give each of those bots a live rating 1 thru 8. They could add a feature with a setting that is "rated" when playing the computer, which could be treated like any other rated game. Then we will know for sure.
Even if the numbers are supposed to represent FIDE ratings, 2300 is the minimum rating needed to achieve the FM title. For IM, a player needs rating of at least 2400 and three norms (rating performance of 2450 with some additional conditions). Of course there are also players who earned their IM title in the past and their rating is lower now but when I hear/see "IM level", I still rather imagine something like 2400-2500 FIDE rating.
@mkubecek said in #14:
> Even if the numbers are supposed to represent FIDE ratings, 2300 is the minimum rating needed to achieve the FM title. For IM, a player needs rating of at least 2400 and three norms (rating performance of 2450 with some additional conditions). Of course there are also players who earned their IM title in the past and their rating is lower now but when I hear/see "IM level", I still rather imagine something like 2400-2500 FIDE rating.

All good points

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