
Why Play Correspondence if your TImer is BROKEN?!

ONCE AGAIN I lose a winning position because this bloody website says I have 15 hours to move when it's actually 00:00

Is it that hard to count down time normally and synchronise with the actual game? TOTALLY unfair for me to keep losing these games that say I have loads of time but it's a complete lie, makes me want to stop playing altogether.

Sarcastic and snarky comments not welcome.

Really disappointed by this, in the dashboard this has happened to me lots of times, your website lying about how much time I have: why even bother playing correspondence?


Seriouslly annoyed right now,.
This is why I stopped playing daily chess on lichess, The timer and notifications were not consistent enough to rely on. I will try again in a couple months and see if it is fixed
Well you do get what you pay for here. Unless you're a patron, then you get less.
Everybody literally gets the same thing, patron or not, being a patron only means u support lichess
I have not had any issues with timing out in correspondence games. I get alerts when moves have been made. @z49910150, are you in Zen mode? Check your settings?
@TheGingerBeardMan Why would you donate, why would you volunteer? Its because you're nice and want to give back. Lichess can't exist without patrons.
I've played on this site for about 3 years since I started chess if you include old accounts. I really like it here so I make an admittedly small contribution monthly to help keep things running. I didn't expect any perks. Do you really need a reward for it? @TheGingerBeardMan

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