
Leonid Stein

Not many nowadays remember the great Leonid Stein. He had an equal or plus score among most players of the world elite, was on friendly terms with Fischer (who lost to him repeatedly in blitz etc.) and he also ranked very highly in his duels against the top. But having died in 1973 at the age of 38, and being at the peak of his career, he is not remembered often.
I found this on his life and chess:;&kpage=17#kibitzing
One of my three very favorite players (the other two being Suttles and Kavalek). :) A marvelously relentless, no-holds-barred style (which of course had its pitfalls in practical play, even then).
Not so weII known, all his playing was about attack, attack,attack... attack was the purpose of the game...Nicotine addict, 3 times UdSSR champion, one of the top 10 players in the 1960ies.A source of inspiration for such highly talented players Iike <LStein> (but not in chess, its rather music)
@MrPushwood said in #3:
> One of my three very favorite players (the other two being Suttles and Kavalek). :) A marvelously relentless, no-holds-barred style (which of course had its pitfalls in practical play, even then).

Also a big fan of the play of Suttles and Kavalek. I've lost many games when I was mimicing Suttles in the modern defense. Love kavalek's games and his annotations.

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