
Less opacity in the reporting process

@for_cryingout_loud :

I'm stunned by the imbalance of the whole process... Potential cheaters can defend themselves in appeal, but in the meantime, someone whose report has been refused can't defend his point of view, even if the reported player has finally been banned days later... Seems quite unfair, no ? I understand that banning someone who doesn't deserve it could be damaging in a way to Lichess, but what about the frustration created by the absence of response in the reporting process ? Is it also considered damaging to Lichess ? Especially in that particular case ?
The reporting system is fine as it is, what you want is private feedback about your reports by the mod team, that is a completely different thing.

> Any mod to explain why my report wasn't taken into consideration at the time ? explains it.
Someone who's report has been "refused" should.not be able to have a back and forth with the moderator about it. How much time will that waste.

If you are going to trust mods to ban accounts when they deem they are cheating then you need to trust them to /not/ ban accounts when they deem they are not cheating.

So you reported an account and they got banned a few days later. What is the problem here exactly? How do you know your apparently refused report had no bearing on this?
Shadowbanning?! How, and where?
It's the second time that topic (about shadowbanning) come out, the first time I checked the source code of the site (quite superficially) and didn't find anything about it.
Maybe I just missed the piece of code or misinterpreted it (source code is opensource and anybody can read it), but if there is shadowbanning please can someone show me where is it implemented?
@BaronVonChickenpants said in #36:
> Someone who's report has been "refused" should.not be able to have a back and forth with the moderator about it.

Then explain why the "back & forth" with someone already banned for TOS violation is possible with the appeal process ? Isn't it also a waste of time ?

> What is the problem here exactly?

What's your problem exactly ? You intervene each time I post on the forum and it feels like I stroke a sensible chord.

> How do you know your apparently refused report had no bearing on this?

I didn't receive any of my points back, so I hear that my report had finally no effect on the final decision. Frustrating. And it also bring doubts with the treatment of my other reports.

We can speak of it the whole day, the opacity around the whole process is questionable, from communication side to the ideological one. It may be fine as it is, but it could also be better. That's all. Remember it's only suggestions. That's the purpose of a forum, to let people make suggestions.
@kinsana said in #38:
> Then explain why the "back & forth" with someone already banned for TOS violation is possible with the appeal process ? Isn't it also a waste of time ?

In my opinion someone who is banned should get the right to reply, since that is a final definitive action. Someone who submitted a report should not as someone 'not' being banned is not a final definitive action. imagine moderators not only having to field incorrect reports, but having to enter into discussion with each person who submitted one about why they chose not to ban. There may be multiple people reporting the same player, its far more work for already time short mods.

> What's your problem exactly ? You intervene each time I post on the forum and it feels like I stroke a sensible chord.

Don't take it personally, I reply to threads that catch my attention.

> I didn't receive any of my points back, so I hear that my report had finally no effect on the final decision. Frustrating. And it also bring doubts with the treatment of my other reports.

Not receiving points back does not mean your report did not have any bearing on matters.
@kinsana said in #33:
> @for_cryingout_loud :
> I'm stunned by the imbalance of the whole process... Potential cheaters can defend themselves in appeal, but in the meantime, someone whose report has been refused can't defend his point of view, even if the reported player has finally been banned days later... Seems quite unfair, no ? I understand that banning someone who doesn't deserve it could be damaging in a way to Lichess, but what about the frustration created by the absence of response in the reporting process ? Is it also considered damaging to Lichess ? Especially in that particular case ?

What info could the reporter provide that is not already in the report and the mods have not checked.

The reason for no response from lichess in reports is to stop witch hunts.

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