
computer analysis - question

Hi. I played with bot (Stockfish) and noticed a strange thing. The computer does not give up in a bad position, but starts making frankly weak moves (maybe for a quick defeat) and these moves are not considered as weak in computer analysis.

As example:

Black's 20th move is a real blunder, but the computer considers it a normal move.
Of course it is a normal move and not a blunder. It doesn't change the evaluation of the position (ie completely winning for White), and it is just as easy for White to win this position without it.
Thank you. Maybe, I am wrong understand the "blunder". I figured it was any bad move in the current situation, not in the whole game.
Computer isn't programmed to resign rather to practise against.
And position was completely lost for Black so making any move won't make it any better. And hence the case.
Inaccuracy, mistake and blunder ... all similar, yet different ...
@AyuMetrix said in #1:
> Hi. I played with bot (Stockfish) and noticed a strange thing. The computer does not give up in a bad position, but starts making frankly weak moves (maybe for a quick defeat) and these moves are not considered as weak in computer analysis.
> As example:
> Black's 20th move is a real blunder, but the computer considers it a normal move.

As soon as a position is unequal for more than some pawns ( I think the limit is 500 centipawns) lichess don’t consider that bad moves of the advantageous side as bad. Imagine you have an advantage of a queen, and now you are sacrificing a knight to capture your opponents last pawn so this make it an easy endgame for you. It wasn’t really a bad move because you wins anyway and just wanted to make it more easy for you.

Could this explain the behavior above?
@MiauiKatze said in #6:

> Could this explain the behavior above?

Yes, I think so. At first I was very surprised and thought it was a error. But after explaining, I understand that this has its own logic. There's no use in crying over your hair if you've lost your head. :)

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