
analysis engine / motor de análisis

Una pregunta a la comunidad: ¿puedo pedirle al motor de análisis que indique (con signos !!) los mejores movimientos en una partida que he jugado? De ser así, ¿cómo puedo hacerlo? Gracias.

A question to the community: can I ask the analysis engine to indicate (with signs !!) the best moves in a game I've played? If so, how can I do it? Thank you.
No, you can't do that on Lichess. The engine has no concept of "brilliant". Brilliancy is subjective. On, brilliant moves are decided by some arbitrary criteria which often marks "brilliant" moves which few humans would actually consider brilliant.
Oh, okay. I thought that perhaps the engine could mark with a sign the movement made when it coincided with the one proposed as best. thanks my friend.
@Yambe said in #3:
> Oh, okay. I thought that perhaps the engine could mark with a sign the movement made when it coincided with the one proposed as best. thanks my friend.

That's also a possibility, but often there are multiple moves which have more or less the same evaluation, and also it would be silly to mark every obvious recapture with a "!" or "!!". You can, however, add annotation glyphs yourself in studies (the "!?" icon below the board).
sure, that's right.
yes, yes, I knew that I can add signs in the studies. thanks again. very nice of you.
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