
Chess Endgame Training webapp updated

I've just published the new version on Google Play Store. The distribution is progressive, so It could last a couple of days to reach 100% of the audience.

As a side note, It's no longer hosted on that domain, because firebase hosting has a 10GB/month free traffic quota, and It has run out in the first days of the month, so I've moved the webapp to another hosting/domain ( see in project's github: ).
Hi again! I installed the android app and after maybe a week I think I have come across some bugs.
There was a message "stockfish runs slowly" and the buttons stopped working.
All of that appears to happen only when "use tables" is active. Without them everything works fine for now.
Hope it will help fellow users of the app (or the developer if you are planning to return to the project one day).
@alex_makarets Hi, thanks for your comment. Here is the developer, and, in fact, I returned to the project -it is what this thread is about-.

I submitted two patches yesterday: v3.0.1 to fix one position and upgrade Stockfish and v3.0.2 to fix a bug.
Please make sure you see the latest version (v3.0.2) in "About" page. If you exit/start the app, it should autoupdate. If it's not the case, please uninstall/reinstall it again. It would help if you can confirm that v3.0.2 fix the problem.

You can also try out the web version: (I had to change the hosting and domain because the free firebase tier ran out of network traffic -10GB- the 6th day after publishing the new version).
@supertorpe very nice to hear that you are active on the project!
From your op it seemed to me that after you release v3.0 you a going to take another couple of years break.
To answer your post. Yes, it is v3.0.2 and it seems that the problem is gone.
Another minor thing I have noticed is a wrong icon (two rooks vs knight where it should be rook vs knight).
I also have some thoughts about the positions and their arrangement. Like what you can improve there.
If you are open to that I will pm you or write it here so that we can discuss it with other forum members.
Thank you one more time for developing a really good thing and gifting it to the community!
@alex_makarets Glad to hear the bug is gone. It's easier for me to keep track of issues/suggestions/etc. in the discord server of the app (see discord icon below the app's menu) or as issues on GitHub.
But if it's more convenient for you to comment here, I'll keep an eye on this thread.
Thank you to @supertorpe for this great resource. I enjoy using it. One very small gripe however. There is a 'knight and bishop' entry in the left hand menu. However, if you want to train the basic knight and bishop versus lone king mate, you have to go down the 'knight' entry in the menu. No issue at all, but the illogicality hurts me slihtly every time I see it.
Could you add a randomizer? Like it gives you a random endgame, you have to win. That'd be sick.

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