
Related to

If the grass is greener on the other sites, go over there to ask your questions.
@glbert the thing which you want to understand is not the thing which I want to understand you and no need to understand me that you wants to understand me and you will not be able to understand what I want to understand you and I don't want to understand you which you will not understand and stop claiming that you understand that thing that I want you to understand.
@artdante said in #6:
> This site has a ton of fancy features for their paid members.
You would have to be a very popular streamer or something like that to become a *paid* member. :-)
@Hellochess987 said in #12:
> @glbert the thing which you want to understand is not the thing which I want to understand you and no need to understand me that you wants to understand me and you will not be able to understand what I want to understand you and I don't want to understand you which you will not understand and stop claiming that you understand that thing that I want you to understand.

A new tongue-twister dropped in town!
@glbert no need. It doesn't seems important. They are more things which I have to give priority. You spend time on this.

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