
Can't accept threefold draw if opponent moves?

I played a game in which occured a three fold repition I was already short(er) on time, so I thought Id be okay with it. Once I played the move leading to the third repetition of the position (after black's move 11, 13 and 15) I was shown the claim draw button. But it disappeared the second my opponent played a different move.

Or do I simply not know how the rules work? : /

When you're the one making the repeats, you have to offer a draw BEFORE you move. Then, when you move, the offer transforms into a claim. Since the game is over, there's no chance of the opponent moving.
Hey @mcgoves So I offer a draw and then make my move making it a draw instantly. What if between the time i offer draw and make a move, my opponent declines the draw ? and then makes a move after my move before I press the claim draw button ? Lichess should handle this edge case if it doesnt.
According to this forum post, it's handled. I don't have firsthand experience.
> Basically you just offer (claim) the draw and make your move immediately, and game ends in draw due to threefold repetition. If he manages to decline the draw offer, it doesn't matter, it is still a draw. And if your move doesn't produce threefold, and your opponent declines the offer, and the button stays grey (to prevent spamming with draw offers), if you now get a threefold repetition, the claim is still on and the computer declares a draw.
Go to "Preferences" then to "Game behavior", there you find "Claim draw on threefold repetition automatically". Choose "Always".

After there is a threefold repetition it will be a draw automatically.

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