
Different Ideas represented in Chess?

I have been playing a lot of Chess these last few months. I am not very good, but i am nothing to poke a stick at, either. I love this game so much, I have been thinking about different representations for pieces, positions, and ideas.
This might sound funny, but Chess is really boring to the unfamiliar. The "castle", the pawns, the King *sigh*... I find it much more fun when I look at what the pieces represent dynamically, instead of just taking it at face value.

Allow me to explain:

Rooks, with tremendous range in an open position can be considered a siege weapon, but can also be considered Shock troopers, even bodyguards or even a castle, after "Castling". Imagine putting a rook behind a pawn, and marching it to promotion... Sounds like a "Rolling Artillery Strike" from WWI if you ask me...

Bishops can be interesting... Yes, a Bishop would have tremendous influence (hence the amount of squares it controls in an open position), But if you have ever placed a bishop 3 Ranks directly in front a knight, your bishop will have control over all of the squares that the knight can advance to. I interpret this instance as using my RIFLEMEN to nullify my enemies cavalry shock. Or perhaps Bishops can be represented by Ballista?

Queens are also pretty cool. Combining the power of the rook and bishop, a tremendous force.
Perhaps i would interpret her as a spy, artillery, perhaps even a Frigate or Battleship.

The list goes on...

I could go on, but i am interested to hear your thoughts.
In other languages the pieces have other meanings.
Queen = Lady = Vizier
Rook = Tower
Bishop = Runner = Elephant
Knight = Jumper
Interesting insight... I have heard in places like Armenia, Rooks are actually Boats 8)

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