
Hardest language

@spindriftdrinker said in #20:
> @Karlito_El_AZT3CO I would think that ancient Egyptian would be a tougher language to learn than ancient Phoenician, since ancient Phoenician is relatively close to ancient Hebrew, a very well-understood language with an alphabet. Reading hieroglyphics fluently sounds tough. I could be wrong, just a guess.

what is interesting about hieroglyphs is that they mix symbolic and phonetic meanings. and unless I'm mistaken, few modern languages have reached a graphic level like that of hieroglyphics (even if I'm thinking now about Asian languages)

I would nevertheless be interested to know if the symbolic signs engraved on the menhirs of Locmariaquer and in Bretagne can be considered as a primitive form of glyphs
@CSKA_Moscou "I would nevertheless be interested to know if the symbolic signs engraved on the menhirs of Locmariaquer and in Bretagne can be considered as a primitive form of glyphs"

I don't know much about Celtic runes, but I think they are alphabetic, which makes them easier to deal with than hieroglyphics, which are more primitive.
@spindriftdrinker said in #22:
> @CSKA_Moscou "I would nevertheless be interested to know if the symbolic signs engraved on the menhirs of Locmariaquer and in Bretagne can be considered as a primitive form of glyphs"
> I don't know much about Celtic runes, but I think they are alphabetic, which makes them easier to deal with than hieroglyphics, which are more primitive.

If you allow a small correction, these are not Celtic runes, but drawings from the Neolithic, therefore predating the invention of Mesopotamian writing. which in my opinion could represent an important transitional stage between cave paintings and the need to put symbolic or even phonetic meanings on certain signs, therefore the first forms of writing.

the Neolithic Bretons were not Celts, but populations coming from the east, therefore perhaps from the Middle East. the Celts arrived later and mixed or forcibly subjugated these populations.

I recommend you look at the Gavrinis tumulus, as it might interest you
i know 2 languages: english,malayalam and i'm learning hindi which is hardest
@Anou_1412 said in #27:
> i know 2 languages: english,malayalam and i'm learning hindi which is hardest
Nope. Try Mandarin or Hungarian
In my experiences, it's definitely Arabic because it's hard to talk to someone in Arabic with their own dialect. French and Tamil is also languages that I couldn't understand or read a single word in it.
@Alientcp said in #26:
> French is up there.
> Whats written has no correlation with the spoken one. It makes no sense.
> And you have to make math when you are just telling a number.

Parisian slang is not bad ! It's pretty fun

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