
Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of Bharat

So who is gonna pay for that name change?
It might sound like a simple thing to do.
But in practice it's gonna be very expensive.

Laws may need changes/amendments to specify the word. (Both internationally and domestically)
Governmental agencies names and their work uniforms may need to change as well?
International trade treaties may need to have an change/amendment to include the specific name. Both public and private.
Advertisement. Tourism. Etc.

It's just a political stunt. But if accepted by the Indian parliament, it will be expensive in the long run.
Both to the population of India, but also everyone of their trade partners.

You can't just change a name, by editing that specific name in a computer, and think everything is gonna be okay. Simple and done.

Also there is the huge domestical social, cultural and political aspect with a name change like that.

An example is this 4 month old thread:
@Tenakel said in #1:
> Bharat??
> Yes, exactly! India will soon be renamed "Bharat", because the name "India", introduced by the British colonizers, is perceived by the people there as a symbol of slavery.
> What I'm wondering now: Are all of Black's “Indian” opening systems after 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 also being renamed?

India that is Bharat and Bharat that is India both are same these are just cheap politics to gain vote like the religion things
<Comment deleted by user>
I guess the name Bharat suits to The so called ''India'', Since it is a sanskrit(an ancient language of India) word, Every "Bharatia" should be satisfied. Well after that I wonder about the short-form of Bharat in sports. Like right now India is 'IND' so Bharat is 'BHA' or 'BHT' or 'BAR'? What do you think?
@PatelDarsh said in #17:
> I guess the name Bharat suits to The so called ''India'', Since it is a sanskrit(an ancient language of India) word, Every "Bharatia" should be satisfied. Well after that I wonder about the short-form of Bharat in sports. Like right now India is 'IND' so Bharat is 'BHA' or 'BHT' or 'BAR'? What do you think?
Oh yeah.
I Guess Not.@MIHIR_KATTI said in #19:
> But @PatelDarsh, does that mean that the flag will also change?
I Guess It doesn't need to change because the creator of the flag has chosen the right design

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