
Are there any other books that helps intermediate player improves middle game?

I have went through How to reassess your chess and find it very useful, but I still feel far from advanced player pool. What chess book should I study to achieve there?
I know you are asking for a book but I personally find SaintLouisChessclub Youtube channel extremely helpful
Pawn Structure in Chess by Andrew Soltis

To learn there are several categories of knowledge, here they are...

Strategy: Weapons of chess by Bruce Pandolfini
Tactics: 1001 winning chess combinations and sacrifices Fred Reinfeld
Openings: YouTube Derrick Kelley
Middle game: pawn structure chess
Endgames: Silmams endgame course from beginner to master

You can read all you want. Tactics, strategy and Endgames are the easiest and most bang for your studying buck to study. The rest are icing on the cake.
@taigerboy said in #5:
> I know you are asking for a book but I personally find SaintLouisChessclub Youtube channel extremely helpful
I've subscribed them already, yet Aren't they mostly about chess openings?(their repertoire on sicilian scheveningen was impressive)
Chess Training for post-beginners: A Basic Course in Positional Understanding by Yaroslav Srokovski
Chess Secrets: The Giants of Strategy by Neil McDonald
The Power of Pawns: Chess Structure Fundamentals for Post-beginners by Jorg Hickl

I'd say those three are for chess players at roughly same level that Silman's Reassess Your Chess is for. They cover a lot of the same ground as Silman's book does but with somewhat different emphasis of certain areas.

For someone looking for a book of this type that's slightly less advanced, I'd suggest Simple Chess by Michael Stean, and for someone looking for a book that's slighly more advanced, I'll second the book that TaleoftheNoob recommended Techniques of Positional Play by Bronznik & Terekhin.
@xiaoban said in #1:
> I have went through How to reassess your chess and find it very useful, but I still feel far from advanced player pool. What chess book should I study to achieve there?

Just a few days ago, I checked out a middle game analysis by Pia Cramling of a chess game. And guess what she did? She performed an imbalance analysis similar to what Silman describes in the book. So, if I were you, I would try to analyze each of my own middle games using this method until I master it before committing myself to another book. Besides, the Chessable version is coming out this month.

However, if you need another book, I recommend some light reading on Pawn Structures, particularly focusing on the pawn structures that often occur in your games. I think it will complement 'How to Reassess Your Chess' nicely.

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