
New High Jump World Record

I've just cleared 2.54 meters inside my spare bedroom. Did anybody get that?
maybe he must have been watching a horror movie at 3 am
I took up trampolining in my spare bedroom and I cleared the ceiling, the roof, and ended up in next doors pond !. :).
most ceilings are like 2.5 meters tall, how is it possible you did this without hitting your head on the ceiling? Do you have a really high ceiling? Last time I tried this I got my head stuck poking out of the roof.
@salmon_rushdie said in #7:
> most ceilings are like 2.5 meters tall, how is it possible you did this without hitting your head on the ceiling? Do you have a really high ceiling? Last time I tried this I got my head stuck poking out of the roof.
Probably they are in a big mansion where their bed is in living room itself!

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