
Can i be a GM

Get yourself a great coach, if you can. A coach will help you focus on what is really important.
What you need to do is set up a study plan. Figure out your current weaknesses and base your study plan around them. Set up a certain amount of time you want to spend and base your study activities around your time.
@Aarav4070 said in #1:
> Can i be a GM
> I am going to be 11 in 20 days
> Can i be a GM'
> Any suggestion , tips , books or any help is welcomed
> And whoever helps get 3 chess books
> If i am ruining the policies of lichess , sorry lichess
I am not that sure about a study plan. We have an 11 year pld kid, don't going to university, going to school for a reason. Of course there is a study plan in any school, but as far as i know not made by the kids themselfes. To build a study plan for yourself is something you have to learn. And not at this age already i believe.
So if there is no guidance from a friend ot coach, it is safe that he first looks at classic games to achieve a good base for further learning and to find out what is fun to study.

And don't forget the endgames of course. Example: White Kh8, pawn c6. Black K a5, pawn h5.
White moves and really gets a draw with perfect play. Find out the moves and more important think about why a draw is possible in a position, where the first glance tells you that white is dead lost here.

And another one: White Ka1, Bb1, Pawn a2,b2
Black Kc2 Ra6, Pawn b3.
Black moves and wins.

Find out and then tell me, that endgames are no fun ;-)
I know IM Sagar Shah started playing chess atr 10. At 24 he was 2470 with two GM norms. Sagar has told that he came from a well off family thus persuing chess was easy for him. might not be true for you. best of luck.
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